Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Beautiful Blessings

Here we are. A picture of all of my beautiful blessings. This was taken on Christmas Day, 2008, the first Christmas in a long time that we were all able to be together. I am thankful and feel very blessed that we could all be together this past Christmas. It may not happen again for a long time. But whenever we get together, I feel blessed. I love you all!!!

Happy Birthday Five Year Olds

Well, it is difficult to believe, but my first two grandsons have turned five. They will be starting kindergarden in the fall. WOW!!! Has time flown by. Not that I am any older, but they are. They are growing up sooooo fast. Two beautiful little boys that I love them dearly. Sometimes I wish they could stay as they are right now, but that wouldn't be realistic would it?

Here they are... NOW and THEN... Hard to believe that five years ago they were just wee little ones being bottle fed and their diapers changed.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Too much Time

Well, time has definitely gotten away from me. I haven't posted anything since March, and I think it is time for me to catch everyone up on what's been going on. I have been very busy at work over the past couple of months. The biggest thing right now is the Building Renovation of the North Kent Service Center that is moving to its new location in Sparta.

Up until now things had been coasting along as the building itself was gutted and rebuilt inside. I'd been involved in the meetings and design of our IT room, but up until the past two weeks, things were pretty quiet. Over that past couple of weeks, I've had to get racks and cable management ordered along with patch cables for cabling. I've been working with the cablers at the site with the placement of our racks along with making sure all the cabling was done to our specifications. Yesterday, my co-worker and I built the server rack and placed it in the room.

The next two weeks will be busy and filled with adventure as we move close to our move in date of October 17. That is the date we bring the network up and move our server, stager, analyzer, UPSs, etc to the new site. October 20 is the date that the employees will be moving to the new site. I will be among those moving to the Sparta location from Grand Rapids. I will be almost 20 miles closer to home which means less time on the road and using less gas in the process.

Well, I will try to keep things more up-to-date from this point forward. Now that summer is overwith and the cooler weather is setting in, that should be easier.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Blast from the Past

This is a picture from around 1959 to 1960. I'm holding Barbie. Of course, again, I'm the cute one. What a blast from the past.

My sister, Pat, is on the left, and Barbara is in the middle. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time. But on the other hand, I don't think I would want to go back in time. Reliving life in your memories is sometimes better because you can leave out that bad things that come your way.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Three Stooges

Looking through some pictures, I came across this picture that was taken in July, 2002, of me and my sisters at my house during a family get together.

Just in case you aren't sure, I'm Curly, the cute one in the middle.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Be Still

Yesterday, as I drove between four different sites for work, (Croton, Big Rapids, Filer City and Ludington Pump Storage) I was traveled a little over 240 miles and spent almost five hours on the road. During that time, I felt more at peace than I had in a long time. It was cold out and the landscape wasn't what I would call pretty because of the "dirty" snow, but it was peaceful.

It didn't start out that way, but as the day wore on, I felt as if I was in the presence of God. He was there inside my heart and soul. I started out thinking about work and personal issues I am dealing with, but as the miles added up along with the hours, there came a point that nothing mattered except that I was in His presence. I usually always listen to christian music during my long trips. I plugged in my MP3 player to the auxiliary jack in the van. I can't say that there was a certain point in my travels that it hit me, but it did. I wanted to stay inside of that feeling forever, even though I know that probably wouldn't happen.

This morning I received a short email from a friend that upset me. However, I didn't want that feeling to overtake the peace that I felt yesterday. All I could think of was God telling me, "Be still, and know that I am God." After awhile, it no longer upset me, and I was able to feel at peace again. It wasn't the same as yesterday, but it is close enough to be a healing balm on my soul. Thank you Lord for being there in my time of need.

I believe that is what I was feeling yesterday because I was alone in the car, but I wasn't alone. He was there constantly reminding me to be still and know that He is God. He is in total control of my life, and I need to always remember that He is there. Yesterday was the most amazing and wonderful day I have experienced in a long time. I knew that I was and will never be alone.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy "1st" Birthday Ryan

Well, yesterday, February 29th, was my grandson's, Ryan, fourth birthday. However, it was officially his "1st" birthday. Yes, he was born on leap day 2004. Mom and Dad threw him a great party at Chuck-e-Cheese. What a madhouse, but it was a lot of fun. I am sharing only a few pictures as I believe Kim will want to post the celebration on her blog.