Not sure if I can call a sleepless night a blessing, but last night was one of those nights. Woke up at 1:30 am and never fell back to sleep and find a comfortable position. I am hurting this morning because of all the tossing and turning in bed just trying to get back to sleep. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I finally gave up and got out of bed around 5:15 am after my husband left for work.
One thing about sleepless nights is that you tend to do a lot of thinking and praying. So, in many ways, it can be a blessing.
Too bad that I can't go to sleep anywhere like my grandson Noah. All a child needs is the comfort of bed or being held in loving arms, possibly a thumb to suck, and sleep comes without a problem, unless they are sick. Sometimes I wish I only had those things to think about to get to sleep.
Even if a sleepless night isn't a blessing, this little guy is.
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