Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Working Relationships

Getting back into the "work world" after being off for almost five months has been interesting. We have a 26-year-old contractor named Chris that took over for me while I was off. Now, Judy, my co-worker, is off work so Chris is staying on. He is a GREAT asset to Consumers, and I hope that he will be able to some day find a permanent job with us.

I am twice his age. He is the same age as my daughter. It isn't easy sometimes working with someone who is half your age, but it has been a blessing. He works hard and has made me realize what it is to be young again. I have been able to communicate with him on a level that is working for both of us.

Due to my perserverance, I have a job that I love. It is something that I never thought I would do. It is challenging and taxes me at times, but it is something I hope I continue to do for another several years. I hope that he will be able to find that same blessing.

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